Detroit Flower Company
Sunflower Bouquet
Sunflower Bouquet
Our sunflower bouquets are so bright! - these are the perfect flowers to give to someone inspiring in your life! (SOLD PER BUNCH) Sunflower Bouquets includes flower food, arrive alive water pack, personalized card message and fillers and special greenery! Fillers are seasonal! Sunflower size varies on local availability. Care package is on the back of the business card.
Korean: Wrapped with waterproof Korean paper, Kraft Paper & Burlap
Classic: Wrapped with Kraft paper & Burlap p
Frequently Asked Questions
How many days in advance do I need to place an order?
We offer same and next day ordering! All same day orders must be placed by 11AM to be received the same day - NO exceptions! We accept orders up to 3 months in advance. Reminder: Sunday is NOT a business day and we are closed.
What delivery options are available?
We offer same, next day and 3 day turnaround for delivery. You are able to book deliveries up to 3 months in advance.
What is included with each floral arrangement?
- A personalized card
- Floral Food Packet
- Arrive Alive water pack